Pascha Family


Pascha brand is our flagship brand. Having been introduced to the market since the inception of UPDF, Pascha seeks to present the 21st century face of milk through its revolutionary packaging and design. It is a brand that is young, and classy. Her lively packaging has generated unrivalled aspirational attachment to the brand into a strong and yet sustainable consumer demand for our range of products.

Pascha Full Cream Fresh Milk

Available in 500ml and 200ml pouch.

“Our fresh milk undergoes the delicate process to maintain its purity and wholesome taste”.

Pascha Long Life Milk


Available in TFA 500ml pack and TCA 200ml pack.

 “Freshness & purity for longer”.

Pascha Lala

Available in 500ml and 200ml pouch and 500ml and 250ml bottles.”

The sweet & sour sensation of our lala ensures that it’s always a welcome accompaniment to your favourite meals and snacks.

Pascha Yoghurt 

Strawberry 100ml, 150 ml, 250ml, 500ml cup.

Vanilla 100ml, 150 ml, 250ml, 500 ml cup.

“What is life if not an accumulation of flavours?” “Flavour your taste buds with the most refreshing yoghurts”.

 Pascha Butter

“Whether it’s salted butter or unsalted we got you”’ available in 10kgs carton.

 Pascha Cream

Cream available in 1 litre and 5 litres jerry can. 

”From a tasty breakfast to indulgent desserts & everything between, Pascha cream is a delightful addition for all your recipe needs.”

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